Meal #3 – Samuel L Jackson’s Spinach Linguini and Ground Turkey Sauce

Samuel L Jackson.  You know him.  You love him.  You thank him every day for inventing the word ‘Mother-Fucker’

“Eat My Turkey Pasta Mother Fucker”

As you would expect from Sam Jack, this recipe comes from the manliest cookbook you have ever laid eyes upon:

In the Kitchen with Miss Piggy!  This thing just smells like pure testosterone, and we’ll be revisiting it many times, I’m sure.  But let’s start with Sam’s recipe:
We start with some veggies:

Peppers and Onions and Mushrooms, also note the Trader Joe Spinach pasta.  If you are to follow in my footsteps and make this dish, I would reccomend you track this specific brand down because it’s darn tasty.

Make everything small by way of knife cuts, and get a nice big pot hot and add some olive oil to it.  The recipe calls for butter but in the early 90’s no one knew what Cholesterol was, but they would have assumed it was a hip new street drug and had the ninja turtles star in a 90 minute PSA against it.  Maybe have the Chipmunks do a cameo.  Don’t do drugs.

Look at those veggies in that pot.  Now one can assume what happens next, but apply medium heat and stir until things are soft and delicious, around 10 minutes.

Once everything is soft and tasty, take all this stuff and put it in a bowl.  Put the pan back on the heat, add a little more oil, and throw in a pound of ground turkey.  Get it browned for around 5-7 minutes or until it looks almost entirely cooked, and then pour in a jar of sketty sauce and add the veggies back in.

Now keep that on a nice little half simmer and stir it now and again as we move our focus to the Pasta.
I hope you know pasta, or at least can read the directions on the package, but basically you get water SUPER HOT OK?  Add salt to that water, then put the pasta in the water and watch as magic happens.

This particular pasta needs 6-8 minutes to cook, but you should know when its done by taste, when its nice and al-dente drain it and put it in with the turkey sauce.
Now I hope you all realize that the only reason this recipe calls for spinach linguini is because it is green and so is Kermit the Frog.  This recipe is based on the idea of Miss Piggy slurping green noodles.

Stir it all together and look at that!  Now dish some into bowls, and add a bit of garlic powder and mozzerella cheese and what you get is this tasty dish of food

Now, I should mention that while the spinach pasta is there for the green-noodle-slurp I mentioned, it is really sincerely delicious, at least with the spinach and chive pasta from Trader Joe.  I would reccomend you try this recipe, because it’s awesome.  Do it and email me, and if it isn’t awesome I will blame you for getting some part of the recipe wrong.  In closing look at this old picture of Sam Jack, and the creepy note from Miss Piggy.

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